Hello Dear Readers,
We are here again after a ummm a while :). Never the less , we have been working on an unfotunate customers saltwater tank, which was caught in the midst of a parasite out break , and cleaned up almost all of the live stock leaving just a yellow watchmen goby behind as the sole survivor , which makes our belief, that this goby is a very very hardy species a bit stronger.
Anyways so there is our lesson , never ever ever compromise on water quality , water filteration and healthy live stock , which means proper nutritional value to them in every meal or else you can be the next sad aquarist with lots of dead fish and a veeraan aquarium on display, God forbid so buckle up guys and keep your fish tank chores out of the pending files. That was the bad news, the good news is we have almost completed setting up a fresh water planted tank for another of our valued client. I will be posting some pictures of it as soon as its all done.
This is a 100 gallon tank , we will be having malaysian bog root (or you maybe familiar with the word DRIFT WOOD) , neon/cardinal tetras , guppies, lots of snails for algae control and lots of plants , to give the tank a natural habitat look , keeping my fingers crossed at how it might turn out , but we are going to make sure it's BEAUTIFUL. Wait till you see the pictures guys, meanwhile Good day, good night or what ever time it is when you are reading this, just be safe and be helpful to everyone around you, theres the key to happiness.
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